How to Optimize Internet Explorer

How to Optimize Internet Explorer

About issue which might you facing with Internet Explorer:

Here in this article, we are going to brief you about how to optimize Internet Explorer browser and you can increase performance of Internet Explorer.

Sometime, when you are going to use Internet Explorer browser, then can be face issue about open slow, getting a lots of tab, if you browse something then browser respond you very slow or sometime page re-directed (if you want to open any website and its take you on different website then it mean something is going wrong in your browser. So, you can follow these steps and make your browser working perfectly.

Internet Explorer Optimization Steps:

Steps : First

  • Go on Run (win+R)
  • Internet Broser
  • Type INETCPL.CPL and Hit OK
  • How-to-optimize-Internet
  • Click on General Tab
  • Click on Delete
  • Do click on all box which you want to delete(history, temporary Internet files, cookies etc.)
  • Click on Delete again after select
  • Click on content Tab
  • Click on Clear SSL State and then
  • Click on Security Tab
  • Click on Reset All Zone to Default Level
  • Now, click on Apply and then OK

NOTE : After finishing these steps, please restart your computer and check your Internet Explorer and we hope that your Internet Explorer is working fine and fast and if not working fine then review the steps or Chat with us or call at 1-844-809-0053 now and get instant Support For browser Optimization for Internet Explorer.



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